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Logo for the project Sprites Love. It shows a pixelated S from the word 'Sprites' and one pixel down and to the right there's a red pixelated heart representing the word 'Love'.

Sprites Love

Logo for Abendiix's fonts. It shows a upper case A and a lower case a in pixel art style.




I'm Abendiix, an indie developer and artist. I make (and tinker with) games, tools and anything that catches my attention, hoping that I can make the world a better place with my projects.

Abendiix is both my developer/artist alias and a project by itself, where I want to pursue the dream and goal of developing ideas, art and projects that are as open, accessible and friendly as I can to everything and everyone that interacts with or is affected and influenced by them.

Abendiix (as in the project) will grow, learn, evolve and change just as much as Abendiix (as in myself) will do, if not more. Abendiix's goal will always be to make the best out of any creation, looking for a positive impact on the people that get to know Abendiix, our planet and anything that surrounds us.

Feel free to contact me about anything you want! Any error/bug/problem that I should fix or solve, any question you may have, showing me anything you want as fanarts or experiences you've had with my projects or even just to say hello or have a chat. I will always be more than grateful and happy to speak and engage with anyone!


I believe that any creation will always have at least 2 authors (or 2 parts that give sense to that creation). The first one would be the 'original' creator, who comes up with ideas and turns them into a reality. The second one would be who experiences that reality, interpreting, enjoying, feeling it and much more, making that reality a whole and giving it its sense of being in the process

Sometimes both of them are just the original creator interacting with their own creation, even if they are still on the process of creating that reality or experiencing it from any perspective.

Without taking into account this scenario, that relationship between those 2 different authors and that reality has to be as healthy as it can be. If one or both parts don't take the needed care and responsibility, that relationship would leave some of the parts feeling like they are being left behind and not taken seriously or as if they didn't matter.

That relationship should take into account, as much as possible, both authors' backgrounds, situations and needs, respecting each other and being responsible about how they interact and coexist with each other and what surrounds them. This will allow a reality that could only exist with an equal relationship between both parts.

Sometimes the original creator could even be that 'second one', where their needs are what give sense and shape to a creation that is needed, and that won't turn into a reality unless someone works on it.

My projects would lack their purpose if they weren't benefitial in any kind of way in a healthy and coherent manner to any of the parts involved. I want to make everyone feel welcomed to enjoy, engage and share anything related with Abendiix and its projects in every kind of way. Even better: those experiences with Abendiix's project may lead to many other creations and realities that people will be able to experience, where ideas, feelings and so much more will interact, coexist and create so many more creations that everyone could enjoy.

The creative process and the need for people to express themselves and be heard is not something that should nor can be controlled nor stopped. From the people that want to have fun and share with others the joy they feel with other's creations, to those who want to claim who they are, vindicate about any aspect of their life or any kind of movement.

There are some obvious legal and responsibility limitations but I talk about that need to create and feel that sometimes can't just be let go. For these reasons and more, I want and will work to make my creations as open, free and accessible as I can, so that anyone can squeeze the most out of them in every sense and way possible.

This words are just thoughts that cross my mind from time to time when experiencing other people's creations and a result of how all of them make me feel and how I would like my projects and creations to be. I want to make projects and creations that do not limit nor people's creativity, nor needs, nor desires to fully enjoy and experience anything that I make. I want to make people feel as much freedom as they can when coming across Abendiix and its projects. I want to learn more about everything and everyone, make projects and creations that me and other people will love and have fun with (and let's hope making a living 🤞 to make more and better proyects) in the process.

PS: This is just my actual way of looking at how I want to create my own projects and art, that may or may not change in the future and/or as I create them (and not something I stubbornly expect from anyone or any project; everyone is and should aim to be different). I will make errors and I'm open to talk about them and improve my projects and myself. Feel free to always reach me out! ^^.


All of Abendiix's software will always be open source and available to everyone and anyone. There will sometimes be cases where the code may not be available, such as releasing a videogame into a platform with private code from the platform's company. In this cases there will always be an equivalent project where all the code is freely available (think of it like a PC and console release, where there may be some private modules for consoles but not for PC, where I can make the code fully open source).

Abendiix's software will always have it's corresponding license and copyright claim to not left out any doubts on its usage.


All of Abendiix's art will follow a similar approach to Abendiix's software, being always freely (as in freedom, since there will be some cases where it won't be completely free) available and open for usage to anyone.

Every work of art will have it's corresponding license and copyright claim to not left out any doubts on its usage.

There will sometimes be more restrictive licenses and copyright claims to avoid cases where the art is used/sold in a non-healthy/toxic way to any of the parties involved.

At the same time, this licenses, copyright claims and restrictions will never aim to go against and harm anyone or their creative process (such as making fan-art, selling merchandising and pretty much anything). I want everyone to feel welcomed to share their passion and not restrict them on the process (and I'll be more than happy to see what people share about my projects :D).


Abendiix Download everything

Logo (dark version)

Abendiix's dark logo that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 128px 256px 512px
PNG 128px 256px 512px

Logo (clear version)

Abendiix's clear logo that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 128px 256px 512px
PNG 128px 256px 512px

Banner (dark version)

Abendiix's dark banner that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 128px 256px 512px
PNG 128px 256px 512px

Banner (clear version)

Abendiix's clear banner that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 128px 256px 512px
PNG 128px 256px 512px
Sprites Love Download everything

Main logo

Sprites Love's main logo that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 1:1px 1:10px
PNG 1:1px 1:10px

Square logo

Sprites Love's square logo that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 1:1px 1:10px
PNG 1:1px 1:10px

Short logo

Sprites Love's short logo that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 1:1px 1:10px
PNG 1:1px 1:10px

Long logo

Sprites Love's long logo that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 1:1px 1:10px
PNG 1:1px 1:10px

Big logo

Sprites Love's big logo that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 1:1px 1:10px
PNG 1:1px 1:10px

Heart logo

Sprites Love's heart logo that serves as a thumbnail.
SVG 1:1px 1:10px
PNG 1:1px 1:10px
Trom Download everything


Trom's logo that serves as a thumbnail.

Game's screenshots (click on images to download them)

Trom's menu screenshot that serves as a thumbnail. Trom's first game mode's first screenshot that serves as a thumbnail. Trom's first game mode's second screenshot that serves as a thumbnail. Trom's second game screenshot that serves as a thumbnail. Trom's configuration screenshot that serves as a thumbnail.

Privacy Policies


Trom does not generate any kind of data nor does it transmits it to any kind of server or data base.


Ko-fi icon in black (clear mode) that redirects to Abendiix's profile.

Code and releases

GitHub icon in black (clear mode) that redirects to Abendiix's profile. icon in black (clear mode) that redirects to Abendiix's profile. Play Store icon in black (clear mode) that redirects to Abendiix's profile. App Store icon in black (clear mode) that redirects to Abendiix's profile.

Contact via email

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© 2019-2024 Abendiix - CC0 1.0
© 2023 Fonticos, Inc (Font Awesome)

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